- +Höllenfeuerzitadelle
- +Heldentaten
- +Alle Bosse
- +Mythisch
- +
- +
- +Alle Fraktionen
- +Alle Gegenstandsstufen
- +6.2
- +Without Trash Skips
- +Without 3+ Min CD Restrictions
- Without 3+ Min CD Restrictions
- With 3+ Min CD Restrictions
- The restricted category limits the use of 3+ Minute CDs to prevent players from logging out between bosses.
Daten werden geladen...
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Defeat Hellfire Assault on Mythic difficulty without killing any Hulking Berserkers.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Besiege Eiserner Häscher auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad Mythisch, bevor er abhebt. Die Spieler dürfen keinen Schaden durch Sperrfeuer, Bomben, Blitz oder Verwundung erleiden.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Defeat Kormrok on Mythic difficulty without killing any Crushing, Dragging or Grasping Hands. The hands must also be allowed to spawn.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Defeat the Hellfire High Council on Mythic difficulty. Two members of the council must die within 5 seconds of one another. You can pick which two.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Defeat Kilrogg Deadeye on Mythic difficulty. Every player in the raid must be hit by the first Heartseeker. No player can die during the encounter.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Defeat Gorefiend on Mythic difficulty. Shadowy Constructs must not take any damage in the stomach and must be allowed to spawn up top as full health Gorebound Constructs.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Besiege Schattenfürst Iskar auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad "Mythisch", ohne dass ein Spieler im Schlachtzug mehr als 4 Stapel von "Anzus Glanz" erhält.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Defeat Fel Lord Zakuun on Mythic difficulty without any player standing in Rumbling Fissures and without triggering Unleashed Energy.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Besiege Xhul'horac auf der Schwierigkeitsstufe Mythisch, nachdem du nicht mehr als eine Mächtigte Singularität ausgelöst hast.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Besiege Socrethar auf der Schwierigkeitsstufe Mythisch. Mindestens ein Unersättlicher Seelenpirscher muss erscheinen. Seelenpirscher müssen während des gesamten Kampfes am Leben bleiben, dürfen nicht getötet werden und dürfen keine Debuffs erhalten.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
Besiege Tyrannin Velhari auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad "Mythisch". Die Uralte Vorbotin und der Uralte Souverän müssen innerhalb von 5 Sekunden nacheinander sterben.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Heldentat will be featured here!
Besiege Mannoroth auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad "Mythisch", ohne einen Spieler sterben zu lassen. Kein Spieler darf "Gul'dans Zorn" länger als 45 Sekunden haben.
No guild has accomplished this Heldentat yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that Warcraft Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@warcraftlogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Heldentat and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.