About Us
is a 3-day guild formed on Illidan from players with multiple Cutting Edge experience.
Raid Times:
- Tuesdays - 7:30pm to 10:30pm (Central)
- Wednesdays - 7:30pm to 10:30pm (Central)
- Thursdays - 7:30pm to 10:30pm (Central)
We believe in a few things which guides the way this guild will be run:
- Everyone deserves respect, harassment is not tolerated
- Be considerate of others -- not just in your words but also your actions. Coming to raid under-prepared or with a selfish mindset is something we've all seen in previous guilds and won't be okay here
- Transparent, respectful & constructive criticism will be the way we succeed, and this goes both ways between members & leadership
- We will be a Cutting Edge guild initially (with a goal of sub US 200) and pushing to improve every tier. We won't sacrifice any of the above ideals to do this, however. Our goal will always be a place where people look forward to coming to raid every night.
Recruitment Expectations
- Come to raid prepared - this means keeping your character up-to-date, watching videos, reviewing notes we've posted, downloading/maintaining add-ons and weakauras we've posted.
- You are also expected to have a team-first mentality - choosing mechanics over parses when needed, playing safe & consistent on prog, and able to take constructive criticisms well.
Expectations of Us
- We will do our absolute best to make fair and transparent decisions at all times. We won't be holding back the progress of the team by consistently bringing in players that are holding us back, and likewise we won't be sacrificing our ideals or vibes for players that are "good".
- We will come prepared to raid times, with strategies, notes, weakauras, all done before raid time.
Interested in playing here?
- Contact Jro on discord, or add me on BNet, Jro#1705. Happy to have a discussion to see if this would be a good fit for you!