Send it is a multi-team mythic raiding guild on Stormrage.
Choose your team:
Tue/Wed 7:45-11:00pm EST (Team Cursed)
Tue/Thur 7:45-11:00pm EST (Team Soul Tap)
Tues/Weds 6:45-10pm EST (Team No Pants)
**Application: **
From every applicant we expect:
Deep knowledge of their spec/class. Preparedness for every raid. High raid attendance. (90%+) Communication with the team via Discord. (Working mic) Ability to prove past performance. (Warcraft logs) Respect towards members and leaders of the community!
Discord: richgirlxoxo
Send it spielt 3 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 9 Stunden.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mi | 01:45 | 3 Stunden |
Do | 01:45 | 3 Stunden |
Fr | 02:00 | 3 Stunden |
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