NOTE: We are casual this tier after getting a few CE's. Mythic recruiting is paused until further notice, but if you are looking for a casual guild where you can push keys and crush heroic with fellow degens, we could be the place for you. We also have lots of people playing other games together outside of WoW (e.g., Tabletop Sim, Baldur's Gate, Rust, League, etc.). Reach out to rabbigoku on Discord if this interests you.
========================================================================================== I Just Want CE - Horde - Area52 is a newly formed guild of experienced mythic/CE raiders. Our goal for this guild is to achieve top 100-200 US within the next few tiers. We are looking for skilled, dedicated players who share the same goal and are passionate about pushing the most difficult content the game has to offer.
Raid Times -
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - 9pm - 12am EST. We expect all our raiders to be on, ready with consumables and in the instance before 9 pm EST.
Expectations -
Your character must be kept as competitive as possible, running M+, weeklies etc are required. Must be open and not get offended by constructive criticism. High attendance and showing up on time. Being fully prepared with flasks, food, potions, fully enchanted character etc. We provide 2 cauldrons per raid as well as feasts for every pull. Please have backup consumables.
Environment -
We like to have fun while we raid, the raid environment is definitely NSFW and there will be some things discussed that could offend some people. We are all adults, and treat each other as such. If you are easily offended or irritated, especially if we are struggling on a certain boss, sadly this is probably not the guild for you.
Additional Activities -
M+: We have a lot of people who run keys at all levels. We are always down to help with weekly 15s or pushing keys. PvP: Fair amount of people doing arenas, with a few in the 2000's rank. Other: Several people in the guild are extremely knowledgeable about other aspects of the game (mounts, transmogs, old raids, achievements, etc.). We set up events in discord to run old content, do achievement runs, etc.
Application -
Discord Contact Info -
Recruiting Officer: rabbigoku
Recruiting Officer Discord: rabbigoku
I Just Want CE spielt 7 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 166h 53m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mo | 04:00 | 23h 59m |
Di | 04:00 | 23h 59m |
Mi | 04:00 | 23h 59m |
Do | 04:00 | 23h 59m |
Fr | 04:00 | 23h 59m |
Sa | 04:00 | 23h 59m |
So | 05:00 | 22h 59m |
I Just Want CE sucht keine neue Mitglieder zur Zeit.
Schlachtzüge, Instanzen, PvP, Sozial
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