We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild, our main goal is to achieve CE every tier while the content is current. We maintain a healthy and fun raid environment that is competitive and open to feedback so we can continue to get better as a guild. We raid two nights a week, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:00PM PST to 10:00PM PST with a caveat that we may extend by 30 minutes during tight prog. Outside of raid times we are running keys as a guild.
We are always looking for great players, even if we are not actively recruiting your class or spec, we ask that you apply regardless.
Please reach out to Nazjobie - Tichondrius [H]#5968 on Discord.
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Day | Start | Duration |
Do | 02:00 | 3 Stunden |
Fr | 02:00 | 3 Stunden |
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