Cute Anime Boys is a 2-day Mythic Cutting Edge guild on US-Bleeding Hollow. The guild was formed on May 24, 2018 and first started raiding at the beginning of BFA. Our goal is to clear all current content at a steady pace competing in the US 150 range while maintaining a 2-day raiding schedule.
Raid Schedule: We raid Tues / Thurs from 8pm-12am EST. We add Sunday as an extra raid day for the first 3 weeks of each tier. After this it becomes an optional sale / alt run.
Recruitment: Our current class needs are listed in our recruitment post in the Wow Recruitment Discord. Even if your class is not listed please do not hesitate to apply if you believe you are able to compete for a spot on our roster.
Interested in Applying? Please feel free to send us an application via
Reach out to us on discord: - Telmisartan#8247 or Ultra#7503
Cute Anime Boys spielt 2 mal pro Woche für insgesamt 8 Stunden.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mi | 00:00 | 4 Stunden |
Fr | 00:00 | 4 Stunden |
This data is based on Cute Anime Boys's recent reports.
Cute Anime Boys sucht neue Mitglieder!
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Welche Sprache wird in Cute Anime Boys primär gesprochen?