Best Perf. Avg
Median Perf. Avg: | 28.3 |
Kills Logged: | 19 |
All Star Points:
Boss | Best %
| Highest DPS
| Kills
| Fastest
| Med
| Alle Sternen Punkte
Weltenbrecher der Garothi
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03440$ 34 | 13275100$ 1,327,510.0 | 00004$ 4 | 00229550$3:49 | 02769$ 27 | 05816$ 58.16 |
Teufelshunde des Sargeras
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03040$ 30 | 13075100$ 1,307,510.0 | 00004$ 4 | 00269744$4:29 | 02651$ 26 | 04620$ 46.20 |
Antorisches Oberkommando
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03334$ 33 | 15503300$ 1,550,330.0 | 00003$ 3 | 00382580$6:22 | 02900$ 29 | -$ - |
Die Verteidigung von Eonar
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 07020$ 70 | 10358900$ 1,035,890.0 | 00004$ 4 | 00388665$6:28 | 03860$ 38 | -$ - |
Portalhüterin Hasabel
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 00000$ - | 0000000$ - | 00000$ 0 | 00000000$- | 00000$ - | -$ - |
Imonar der Seelenjäger
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03406$ 34 | 11165800$ 1,116,580.0 | 00002$ 2 | 00330583$5:30 | 03198$ 31 | 05698$ 56.98 |
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03009$ 30 | 13063700$ 1,306,370.0 | 00002$ 2 | 00421706$7:01 | 02690$ 26 | 05592$ 55.92 |
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 00000$ - | 0000000$ - | 00000$ 0 | 00000000$- | 00000$ - | -$ - |
Der Zirkel der Shivarra
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 00000$ - | 0000000$ - | 00000$ 0 | 00000000$- | 00000$ - | -$ - |
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 00000$ - | 0000000$ - | 00000$ 0 | 00000000$- | 00000$ - | -$ - |
Argus, der Zerrütter
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 00000$ - | 0000000$ - | 00000$ 0 | 00000000$- | 00000$ - | -$ - |
Keine Talente gefunden.
0 / 0 Normal
0 / 0 Normal
0 / 0 Normal
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.
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